Results for 'Arturo Torres Bugdud'

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  1.  45
    Tutor-student interaction in Higher Education; an approach to its diagnosis.Nivia Álvarez Aguilar, Carmen Marín Rodríguez & Arturo Torres Bugdud - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):409-426.
    Los acelerados cambios científicos tecnológicos y sociales exigen de los centros de Educación Superior la búsqueda de nuevas vías y el perfeccionamiento de las ya existentes para lograr egresados más competentes. La tutoría se identifica como un proceso educativo que debe favorecer el pleno desarrollo personal e integral del estudiante, en el que éste se conciba como sujeto activo y responsable de su propio proceso de formación. En este sentido cobra una especial importancia el proceso de interacción en el desarrollo (...)
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    Idola fori y escritos políticos.Carlos Arturo Torres - 2001 - Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Edited by Rubén Sierra Mejía.
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    Idola fori.Carlos Arturo Torres - 1935 - [Bogotá,: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Edited by Andrés Pardo Tovar.
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  4. Los idolos del foro.Carlos Arturo Torres - 1916 - Madrid,: Editorial--America.
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    New World Literature.Manuel Olguin & Arturo Torres-Rioseco - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (4):271.
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    Survey on physicians' knowledge and attitudes towards clinical practice guidelines at the Mexican Institute of Social Security.Patricia Constantino-Casas, Consuelo Medécigo-Micete, Yuribia K. Millán-Gámez, Laura D. P. Torres-Arreola, Adriana A. Valenzuela-Flores, Arturo Viniegra-Osorio, Santiago Echevarría-Zuno & Fernando J. Sandoval-Castellanos - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):768-774.
  7. Looking at anthropology from a biological point of view: A. C. Haddon's metaphors on anthropology.Arturo Alvarez Roldan - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (4):21-32.
    As is well known, A. C. Haddon visited Torres Straits for the first time in the\nsummer of 1888 with the purpose of studying, as a marine biologist, the fauna\nand the structure and mode of formation of the coral reefs in Torres Straits. There\nbegan Haddon’s ’conversion’ from zoology to anthropology.’ It seems that\nHaddon felt an urgent need to collect ethnographic information on the islanders\nbecause he saw they were changing and diminishing in number very quickly, and\ntherefore their customs were vanishing.\nVery (...)
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  8. Curse the Criminal: Exile, Community and Law before Violence.Arturo Aguirre Moreno - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12).
    El siguiente artículo tiene por finalidad explorar el concepto de exilio desde el enfoque filosófico. Se trata de un examen de la construcción teórica del concepto, a partir del análisis situado en pasajes de dos obras centrales en la cultura de Occidente: La Il íada de Homero y Las leyes de Platón. Se atiende a estas obras a la luz del exilio, para esclarecer una problemática que subyace a la propia constitución de la comunidad política en la historia jurídica, ética (...)
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    Nietzsche en España y Colombia (los casos de maría Zambrano y Carlos Arturo torres.Damián Pachón Soto - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (118):59-76.
    El artículo traza un paralelo en la recepción de Nietzsche en España y en Colombia a finales del siglo XIX y en las primeras tres décadas del siglo XX. Para el caso español se estudia la filósofa María Zambrano, para el colombiano, a Carlos Arturo Torres. Se argumenta que Nietzsche fue fundamental en ambos países como una herramienta de crítica al conservadurismo, y como promesa de futuro. Al final, se trazan algunas similitudes en ambos procesos de recepción.
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    Le Terme Centrali di Porto Torres (SS): rilievo e ricostruzione 3D.Jacopo Bonetto, Daniele Bursich, Maria Letizia Pulcini & Arturo Zara - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):47-72.
    Il contributo mira a presentare metodi e risultati del progetto di restauro virtuale di un settore dell’antica Porto Torres/Turris Libisonis (Terme centrali, via adiacente e botteghe prospicienti - cd. palazzo del Re Barbaro), frutto di un accordo di collaborazione tra la Direzione Regionale Musei Sardegna e l’Università degli Studi di Padova. Il metodo applicato si basa su tecnologie di fruizione in Realtà Virtuale e ha permesso il restauro virtuale, geolocalizzando il modello virtuale 3D on-site: una App comanda la visualizzazione (...)
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    Alquimia constitucional.Francisco Alejandro Olmos de la Torre - 2022 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 57:129-146.
    Socratitos es un pensador irreverente cuyas preocupaciones en pocas pero abigarradas materias, entre ellas, la insospechable lógica del derecho, simulan todo el tiempo inclinarse más al humor que a la razón. En este diálogo falso, Arturo Zaldívar, Presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, discute con aquel poco original personaje sobre cuál es la verdad acerca del número de votos emitidos por la invalidez de los artículos 4, fracción VI, y 26 de la Ley de la (...)
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  12. Despedida al maestro Arturo Andrés Roig. [REVIEW]Enrique Dussel, Hugo E. Biagini & Samuel Cabanchik - 2012 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 1 (1):161-167.
    En ocasión del fallecimiento de Arturo Andrés Roig queremos sumarnos a la larga serie de homenajes que ha recibido. Para ello, reproducimos aquí tres memoriales dedicados al maestro por filósofos americanos.
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    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Valerie Grissom, Miguel M. Torres, Olga Kovbasyuk, Theophilus B. A. Addo & Maria Cristina Ferreira - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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    The COVID-19 Infodemic: Twitter versus Facebook.Filippo Menczer, John Bryden, Christopher Torres-Lugo, David Axelrod, Pik-Mai Hui, Francesco Pierri & Kai-Cheng Yang - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The global spread of the novel coronavirus is affected by the spread of related misinformation—the so-called COVID-19 Infodemic—that makes populations more vulnerable to the disease through resistance to mitigation efforts. Here, we analyze the prevalence and diffusion of links to low-credibility content about the pandemic across two major social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook. We characterize cross-platform similarities and differences in popular sources, diffusion patterns, influencers, coordination, and automation. Comparing the two platforms, we find divergence among the prevalence of popular (...)
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  15. What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey.Juntra Karbwang, Nut Koonrungsesomboon, Cristina E. Torres, Edlyn B. Jimenez, Gurpreet Kaur, Roli Mathur, Eti N. Sholikhah, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Chih-Shung Wong, Kwanchanok Yimtae, Murnilina Abdul Malek, Liyana Ahamad Fouzi, Aisyah Ali, Beng Z. Chan, Madawa Chandratilake, Shoen C. Chiew, Melvyn Y. C. Chin, Manori Gamage, Irene Gitek, Mohammad Hakimi, Narwani Hussin, Mohd F. A. Jamil, Pavithra Janarsan, Madarina Julia, Suman Kanungo, Panduka Karunanayake, Sattian Kollanthavelu, Kian K. Kong, Bing-Ling Kueh, Ragini Kulkarni, Paul P. Kumaran, Ranjith Kumarasiri, Wei H. Lim, Xin J. Lim, Fatihah Mahmud, Jacinto B. V. Mantaring, Siti M. Md Ali, Nurain Mohd Noor, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Elanngovan Nagandran, Maisarah Noor, Kim H. Ooi, Jebananthy A. Pradeepan, Ahmad H. Sadewa, Nilakshi Samaranayake, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Wasanthi Subasingha, Sivasangari Subramaniam, Nadirah Sulaiman, Ju F. Tay, Leh H. Teng, Mei M. Tew, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Peter S. K. Tok, Jayanie Weeratna & T. Wibawa - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Background The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in (...)
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  16. Whataboutisms and Inconsistency.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (4):433-447.
    Despite being very common in both public and private argumentation, accusations of selective application of general premises, also known as “whataboutisms”, have been mostly overlooked in argumentation studies, where they are, at most, taken as accusations of inconsistency. Here I will defend an account according to which allegations of this sort can express the suspicion that the argumentation put forward by one party does not reflect his or her actual standpoint and reasons. Distinguishing this kind of argumentative moves is important (...)
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    El enfoque de las capacidades, las generaciones futuras y la reducción del sufrimiento extremo.Mikel Torres Aldave - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e24.
    A pesar de ser una de las principales teorías de la justicia, el enfoque de las capacidades no ha abordado las cuestiones de las obligaciones hacia el medio ambiente y las generaciones futuras. Para corregir este problema, Gómez ha presentado ideas valiosas sobre cómo el enfoque podría incorporar estas obligaciones. Aunque las ideas de Gómez representan una meritoria aportación a la literatura sobre el enfoque de las capacidades, en este artículo defiendo que deben completarse con argumentos a favor de la (...)
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    Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    _Aims to transform logic into a reflection on the nature of language._.
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  19. Reflexión para la acción educativa desde los estudios regionales.Xitlali Torres Aguilar & María Elizabeth Moreno Gloggner - 2021 - In Díaz Ordaz Castillejos, Elsa María, Fernando Lara Piña, Daniel Hernández Cruz, Marcelín Alvarado & María Alejandra (eds.), Problemas educativos regionales: enfoques teóricos y metodológicos. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas: Jazare Editorial.
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  20. Ensayos sobre Carlos Vaz Ferreira.Miguel Andreoli & Arturo Ardao (eds.) - 1996 - [Montevideo, Uruguay]: Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Departamento de Publicaciones.
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    Rastreo de la Información en Páginas Web a través del Significado (Foraging Information in Webpages through Meaning).Francisco Torres Guerrero & Ernesto O. López Ramírez - 2010 - Daena 5 (2):308-323.
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    Reduction and emergence in philosophy of mind: physicalism and the explanatory gap.J. Arturo Escobedo & Miguel Angel Sebastian - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 25:75-90.
    Our conscious experiences seem to elude any explanation in scientific terms. They present paradigmatic case of reduction failure and they are the main motivation for postulating relations of emergence. Thus, various authors have pointed out that phenomenal properties must be something more than mere collections of physical properties. This leads to the rejection of physicalism. As a consequence, phenomenal properties either have to be added to the list of fundamental properties, or emerge from them. Alternatively, the physicalist must be able (...)
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  23. Conciliatory strategies in philosophy.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12809.
    In philosophy, as in any other theoretical endeavor, it is not rare to find conflicting but equally well grounded positions. Besides defending one of the positions and criticizing the other, philosophers can opt for pursuing other, more sophisticated, approaches aimed at incorporating the insights, intuitions, and arguments from both sides of the debate into a unified theory: Dialetheism, Analetheism, Gradualism, Pluralism and Relativism. The purpose of this article is to present each strategy's basic argumentative structure, relative strengths, and challenges, trying (...)
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    Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review.Ciara A. Torres, Christopher Medina-Kirchner, Kate Y. O'Malley & Carl L. Hart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Control of spatial orienting: Context-specific proportion cued effects in an exogenous spatial cueing task.Alex Gough, Jesse Garcia, Maryem Torres-Quesada & Bruce Milliken - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:220-233.
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    An Insubstantial Externalism.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (10):576-582.
    In one of his recent articles published in this JOURNAL, Alvin J. Goldman argues that since one must counts epistemic rules among the factors that help to fix the justificational status of agents (generally called J-factors), not all J-factors are internalist i.e. intrinsic to the agent whose justificational status they help to fix. After all, for an epistemic rule to count as a genuine J-factor, it must be objectively correct, and therefore, “independent of any and all minds” (p.9). Consequently, it (...)
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  27. Ni vencedores ni vencidos en la guerra por los hijos, padre y madre compartiendo la custodia.Alberto Serrano Molina, Marta Sainz Torres & Isabel E. Lázaro González - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):26-29.
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  28. The state, social movements and education : between reform and transformation.Raymond Morrow & Carlos Alberto Torres - 2007 - In Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.), Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    How big should this object be? Perceptual influences on viewing-size preferences.Yi-Chia Chen, Arturo Deza & Talia Konkle - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105114.
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    On metric approximate subgroups.Ehud Hrushovski & Arturo Rodríguez Fanlo - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Let G be a group with a metric invariant under left and right translations, and let ????r be the ball of radius r around the identity. A (k,r)-metric approximate subgroup is a symmetric subset X of G...
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    (1 other version)Response: Commentary: Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review.Ciara A. Torres, Christopher Medina-Kirchner, Kate Y. O'Malley & Carl L. Hart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Revisiting the Thoughts of José Manuel Naredo, a Pioneer of Ecological Economics in Spain. A Contribution to the Debates on the Need for a Radical Societal Change.Cati Torres - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (5):645-664.
    In a time imbued with civilisation crisis, José Manuel Naredo's work is of particular relevance. Naredo, one of the most prestigious economists in Spain and a pioneer of ecological economics, first published his most popular book ( La economía en evolución. Historia y perspectivas de las categorías básicas del pensamiento económico) in 1987. This article reviews its most recent and updated version released in 2015. Beyond a brilliant criticism of neoclassical economics, he discusses the underlying ideology and implications of the (...)
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    Experiencias corporales de mujeres excombatientes de las FARC-EP. Un análisis de género.Jenny Marcela Acevedo Valencia, Stefani Castaño Torres & Ángela María Velásquez Velásquez - 2020 - Perseitas 9:467-493.
    El articulo analiza experiencias de corporeidad de mujeres excombatientes de las FARC-EP, a partir de una investigación sociocrítica, fenomenológica y feminista, que implementó estrategias dialógicas, participativas, contextualizadas y problematizadoras. Los resultados describen los órdenes discursivos insurgentes en torno a la igualdad, los procesos de socialización que moldean cuerpos militantes y a la vez los controlan desde lo normativo; frente a estos últimos se vislumbran prácticas de fuga que evidencian las tensiones entre el orden insurgente y el de la vida civil. (...)
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    El proselitismo del “just society” a través de la da‛wa y el tablīg: la expansión de la revolución iraní en Buenaventura, Colombia (1982-1985). [REVIEW]María Katjia Torres Calzada - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (52).
    La política de expansión de la revolución islámica iraní fue desarrollada por vía de dos principios religioso-políticos esenciales en la labor de ampliación territorial y administrativa del _Dār al-islām_: la _da‛wa_ y el _tablīg_. Esta estrategia político-ideológica convierte al país en lanzadera de una “_Islamist International_” que trasciende la división territorial y administrativa de los Estados-nación. El análisis de los datos históricos ilustra cómo el nacimiento de la única comunidad islámica _šī‛ī_ duodecimana de la ciudad portuaria de Buenaventura, conformada por (...)
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    Toward a Pragmatist Anthropology of Race.Gabriel Alejandro Torres Colón & Charles A. Hobbs - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (1):126-135.
    As we have discussed elsewhere, Franz Boas and John Dewey were intellectual and political allies at Columbia University for over thirty years.1 Dewey advocated for an increased role of anthropology for philosophical insight, and he often used anthropological knowledge as a starting point for his ethics and politics, including such knowledge as learned from Boas. We hold that Boas and Dewey shared a common core understanding of human global and evolutionary diversity, and that this shared understanding itself forms a core (...)
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  36. On the falsification of the central Dogma and the de novo synthesis of molecular species: A methodological analysis.J. M. Torres - 1999 - Philosophia Naturalis 36 (1):1-18.
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  37. Formación en buenas prácticas de investigación en Colombia.Arturo Herreño Marín - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.), Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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    Machine learning for electric energy consumption forecasting: Application to the Paraguayan system.Félix Morales-Mareco, Miguel García-Torres, Federico Divina, Diego H. Stalder & Carlos Sauer - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1048-1072.
    In this paper we address the problem of short-term electric energy prediction using a time series forecasting approach applied to data generated by a Paraguayan electricity distribution provider. The dataset used in this work contains data collected over a three-year period. This is the first time that these data have been used; therefore, a preprocessing phase of the data was also performed. In particular, we propose a comparative study of various machine learning and statistical strategies with the objective of predicting (...)
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  39. Falibilidad y Normatividad.Axel Arturo Barceló Aspeitia (ed.) - forthcoming - Madrid, España: Cátedra.
    La falibilidad es una condición ubicua de nuestras empresas, la cual emana del hecho de que, comúnmente, las cosas que más nos interesan, como el descubrir la verdad, referirnos a cosas que de hecho existen, evitar dañar a los otros, etc., escapan nuestro alcance y, sin embargo, no dejamos de hacer grandes esfuerzos para conseguirlas. Es posible que hagamos todo lo que está en nuestras manos para actuar de manera cuidadosa y responsable y aun así nuestros actos tengan consecuencias negativas; (...)
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  40. Los pliegues de Satanás.Arturo E. Sala - 2000 - In Susana Raquel Barbosa (ed.), Márgenes de la justicia: diez indagaciones filosóficas. Buenos Aires: GEA-Grupo Editor Altamira.
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    Caracterización de las evolutas de curvas planas.Carlos Arturo Escudero Salcedo, Yuri Alexander Poveda & S. Prieto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Heidegger y la ética.Arturo Gerardo Ruiz Utrilla - 2012 - Signos Filosóficos 14 (27):177-182.
    El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre el concepto de revuelta popular para precisar su valor heurístico en relación con la comunidad política. Para ello se realiza un recorrido teórico de la idea de revuelta popular en algunos textos de Arendt, Rancière, Blanchot, Nancy, Agamben y Esposito. Propongo que la revuelta debe ser entendida en el marco de una ontología de la comunidad. Se concluye que la revuelta popular supone el rechazo de un orden de desigualdad sostenido en un desacuerdo (...)
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    Speaking of Silence in Heidegger.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book charts the trajectory of Heidegger’s concept of silence by focusing on its relation to truth as the unconcealedness of being/beyng and language as disclosive sonorous saying. Wanda Torres Gregory concludes with critical reflections on the later Heidegger and proposes alternatives to his signature claims concerning silence.
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    O ser e o nada: “A Temporalidade”. Um guia de viagem.Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e024000131.
    This article presents as a reading guide for the chapter “Temporality”, from Being and Nothingness, by Jean-Paul Sartre. To carry out the task, however, he articulates two complementary moments. The first moment works as a construction of an angle of attack and a way of approaching the Sartrean text in question. In it, the preliminary conditions for reading and the elements of readability of the problem are given, making it possible for the reader to install himself, so to speak, in (...)
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    Mousiké.Alfredo Werney Lima Torres & José Renato de Araújo Sousa - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 28:93-103.
    Partindo do pensamento de Platão, mas especificamente em sua obra A República, em que o filósofo argumenta que a música e a poesia dos gregos não podem ser apenas estudadas como um fenômeno estético, porque elas se articulam intimamente com a moral e com a visão de mundo daquela sociedade, pretende-se compreender a relação entre logos e mousiké na cultura grega.
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    Ethopolitical modulation of existence: an archeology of the political and ethical life in Michel Foucault.Iván Torres Apablaza - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):199-223.
    The article aims to base the presence of a reconceptualization of the political in Michel Foucault's thought, taking as the reading key ethhopolitics as a conceptual proposal. There, we can find a concept completely opposed to the way in which both modern governmentality and the tradition of political thought have understood the meaning of politics in the West. Following this purpose, the hypothesis is proposed and developed, according to which the analytical gesture that persists in Michel Foucault's thought is a (...)
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    Maurizio Lazzarato, pensador intempestivo.Iván Torres Apablaza - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:263-268.
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  48. Expresión poética de Mathias Goeritz.Ana María Torres Arroyo - 2013 - In Ríos Espinosa, María Cristina, Torres Arroyo & Ana María (eds.), Reflexiones en torno al ser del arte. México, D.F.: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Presentación.Txetxu Ausín & Mikel Torres Aldave - 2012 - Dilemata 9.
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    Bimbenet, E. L’animal que je ne suis plus. Paris: Gallimard, coll. FolioEssais, 2011.Alexandre de Oliveira Torres Carrasco - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (1).
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